Q2A Market - Support

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Iphpne 6 Plus responsive problem


I have purchased and installed your template.
Everything is OK except when I open the page on Iphone 6 Plus, it is as you can see on the screenshot

Please let me know how can I fix the problem.

Best Regards,

Q2A Website
opened on Dec 19 in Elegant Responsive

iPhone 6 must have different width than 5. Can you please provide me resolution and dimension details?

Yes Iphone 6 Plus resolution is: 414 x 736
also Iphone 6 resolution is: 375 x 667 and it has the same problem too.

Best Regards,

is there any news about the iphone 6 and iphone 6 plus?

Thank you in advance.

I am on tour and will fix as soon as I'm back.

1 Answer

We have fixed the issue and pushed update on our store. You can download the updated verion royal-minimal-1.2.1 from your Account > Download section.

answered Feb 27