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In RTL, the categories page content (by content here, I mean the categories themselves) are displayed LTR (from left to right). They should be displayed RTL (from right to left).
Add below code into your custom.css file
.qa-browse-cat-nolink { display: inline-block; float: right; margin-left: 5px; }
I just did that. It makes no difference.
See this here I have done and it is working fine..
There are three columns as shown in your picture.
The first column from left in your picture should be the first column from right.
The The second column from left in your picture should be the second column from right.
The third column from left in your picture should be the third column from right.
and so on. So the order of the columns should be reversed.
Oh I got what you mean..! Here is the fix
In file qa-theme/MaxControl/js/theme-script.js.php
Line #56
var Mcontainer = $('.qa-browse-cat-list-1'); // masonary js Mcontainer.masonry({ // options itemSelector : '.qa-browse-cat-list-1 > .qa-browse-cat-item', animationOptions:{ duration: 350, easing: 'linear', queue: false }, columnWidth: 250, isAnimated: true, isFitWidth: true, });
var Mcontainer = $('.qa-browse-cat-list-1'); // masonary js Mcontainer.masonry({ // options itemSelector : '.qa-browse-cat-list-1 > .qa-browse-cat-item', animationOptions:{ duration: 350, easing: 'linear', queue: false }, columnWidth: 250, isAnimated: true, isFitWidth: true, isRTL: <?php echo ((qa_opt('q2amc_writing_direction') == 'RTL') ? 'true' : 'false'); ?>, });
Thanks. Fixed.