Q2A Market - Support

We are here to provide you support for Q2A Market premium and free products. If you have any issue in installation, option settings or any bug you found. Please create a ticket. We would try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Changing the displaying format of voting

Some RTL languages write math RTL too but not Persian. In Persian math is written LTR. Now, for displaying votes if the vote is +7 or -5, the vote in RTL will be displayed as 7+ or 5- respectively. This is wrong in Persian and it should be displayed exactly as +7 or -5. How can I fix this wrong format of displaying votes?

Q2A Website
opened on Jun 30 in Max Control

This should be in core Q2A structure and there is not such fix available at the moment. I will update this if I get any fix for this. Also if you can find any fix, please let us know here.