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Wondering what the recommended way to fix is.
I fixed this myself through implementing a Javascript library to handle the media queries. It is my opinion that with this solution developers here at Q2A Market could support IE8 and even lower potenitally with relative ease.
Javscript Library:
My fix was easy enough and just involved modifying the qa-theme.php file starting at line 361 to read:
function footer() // prevent display of regular footer content (see body_suffix()) and replace with closing new <div>s { $this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-layout-wrapper -->'); $this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-main-wrapper -->'); $this->output('<!-- HTML5 Shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->'); $this->output('<!-- WARNING: Respond.js doesnt work if you view the page via file:// -->'); $this->output('<!--[if lt IE 9]>'); $this->output('<script src=".../libs/html5shiv/3.7.0/html5shiv.js"></script>'); $this->output('<script src=".../libs/respond.js/1.4.2/respond.min.js"></script>'); $this->output('<![endif]-->'); //$this->output('</div> <!-- END main-shadow -->'); }
All modern theme supports IE9 and later. Please church theme with IE9+ version.
Hi, guys.
I have the same issue with the Internet Explorer (in my case, is IE 11). I tested with IE9 and still broken. How can I fix it?
I didn't understand "church theme with IE9+ version"...
This is making me confused. I have check in 4 different devices with IE9 and IE10 and seems working fine without any issue.
Can anyone share the URL here and exact IE version including any extra IE and q2a plugin you are using. Also if you can post some screenshots, that would be great too.
If I couldn't find issue at my end than I would request to see in your screen using any remote tool.
I fixed when changed the value of qm-style.css, line 1903: